B i o g r a p h y
Ernie Lee is a Taiwanese composer for award-winning film, music producer, and music educator. He earned his B.A. degree at Berklee, Boston, USA, majoring in Music Composition for Film, TV, and Games. He is also currently earning his M.M. in Film Scoring at Berklee, USA and M.M. in Music Production at FJU, Taiwan.
He began his musical journey as a Fingerstyle guitarist starting from the age of 11. Along with his guitar career, he has won numerous Fingerstyle guitar contests nationwide, including 3 times of champion in the junior class of Taiwan Fingerstyle Guitar Championship in 2003-2005, second place of Utopia Guitar Championship in 2012, third place of Lee Guitar Championship in 2011. Besides acoustic guitar, he also plays various instruments, such as electric guitar, bass, synthesizer, piano, saxophone, flute, etc. He is fond of a wide range of music genres, including pop, EDM, rock, metal, and classical. Most of his musical inspirations are from his experiences while traveling around the world.
李寸實 (Ernie Lee),台灣作曲家、影視遊戲配樂師、演奏家、音樂製作人、音樂教育家。畢業於 Berklee 並取得藝術學士學位,主修影視遊戲作曲,目前為輔仁大學音樂研究所研究生、Berklee音樂學院研究生。他自 11 歲起開始學習木吉他,於台灣指彈木吉他界獲獎無數。除木吉他外,也演奏多樣如鋼琴、電吉他、貝斯、合成器、薩克斯風、長笛等樂器。創作編制從交響樂到指彈木吉他獨奏皆涉獵。喜愛的曲風橫跨多種,如流行、搖滾、電音、古典等。在世界各國的遊歷見聞與體驗是他創作的主要靈感來源之一。
Composer for 2023 KISFF Best Student Film, Seek
2nd place of Utopia Guitar Championship in 2012
3rd place of Utopia Guitar Championship in 2011
3rd place of Lee Guitar Championship in 2011
Champion of NCU Unplugged Guitar Championship in 2010
Champion of NTNU Guitar Championship in 2010
Champion of Taiwan Fingerstyle Guitar Championship, junior class in 2005
Champion of Taiwan Fingerstyle Guitar Championship, junior class in 2004
Champion of Taiwan Fingerstyle Guitar Championship, junior class in 2003
Berklee Online Scholarship Holder ( 4 times since Sep, 2022 - Jun, 2023)
Dean's list of Berklee Online (on list 7 times)
Certificates & Licenses:
Wwise 201 Certification: Wwise Unity Integration - Audiokinetic
Wwise 201 Certification: Interactive Music - Audiokinetic
Wwise 101 Certification: Wwise Fundamentals - Audiokinetic
"Composition and Orchestration for Film and TV" Certificate - Berklee Online
"Logic" Certificate - Berklee Online
Busker License - Department of Culture Affairs, Taipei City, Taiwan (legacy)
2010年第十四屆全國 Unplugged 大賽演奏組冠軍
連續四學期榮獲 Berklee Online 獎學金
連續六學期榮獲 Berklee Online 院長嘉許名單(Dean's List)
Wwise 201 Certification: Wwise Unity Integration - Audiokinetic
Wwise 201 Certification: Interactive Music - Audiokinetic
Wwise 101 Certification: Wwise Fundamentals - Audiokinetic
Composition and Orchestration for Film and TV Certificate - Berklee Online
Logic Certificate - Berklee Online
街頭藝人執照(舊制與新制)- 台北市政府文化局
「Lofi On 賴」民進黨歷屆競選歌曲改編
《Road Along Solitary》 個人鋼琴創作專輯
《尋找》 影片配樂師(榮獲 2023 年 KISFF 「最佳學生劇情片獎」)
《放》 動畫配樂師
《邱比特愛情股份有限公司》 影片配樂師
《JAZKO - Versace》形象廣告配樂師
《JAZKO - Geisha Fashion Shooting》形象廣告配樂師
《JAZKO - GUCCI 2023 春夏女裝單元》形象廣告配樂師
《阿峰》 影片配樂師
《濫漫煙火》 影片配樂師
Lee Guitar 李宗盛校園創作大賽得獎者錄製合輯
The EGOS 樂團現任吉他手、鍵盤手
Icy Ball 樂團前任吉他手
Clavicle 樂團吉他手、鍵盤手
台灣大學102學年度數位音樂創作社 教學長
台灣大學100學年度吉他社 教學長
台灣大學100學年度上學期吉他社 教學長
台南一中99級吉他社 副社長